Technology and happiness: can high technology improve the well-being of society?

Technology and happiness: can high technology improve the well-being of society?

HomeGLOBIS InsightsTechnology and happiness: can high technology improve the well-being of society?
Technology and happiness: can high technology improve the well-being of society?
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Since the beginning of human history, technology has had the power to improve people's lives. But it is often also used for destructive purposes, from the invention of weapons to the development of dangerous chemical compounds.
Today, new technologies such as AI, IoT, Big Data and machine learning are opening up a new world of possibilities for human development. How can they be used wisely and make us happier, personally and professionally? Is happiness what we really want and need as a society? What exactly does happiness mean? Can it be defined universally? Is it sustainable? This panel discusses the potential of new technologies and what we expect from them as a society.

Technology breakout session of the G1 Global Conference 2019 held at the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University, Tokyo, September 16, 2019.

Technology and happiness: can high technology improve the well-being of society?

» Kazuto Ataka (Professor, SFC, Keio University, Director of Strategy, Yahoo! JAPAN)
» Sheena Iyengar (ST Lee Professor of Business, Columbia Business School)
» Yuka Shimada (HR and General Manager, Unilever Japan Holdings KK)

» Kazuo Yano (Fellow, Corporate Officer, Hitachi, Ltd.)

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G1 Global Conference 2019 Playlist:

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